home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- ** $VER: akccplus.h 37.1 (6.9.96)
- **
- ** main include for akccplus.library
- **
- ** (C) Copyright 1989-96 Andreas R. Kleinert
- ** All Rights Reserved.
- */
- #ifndef N
- #define N NULL /* useful */
- #endif /* N */
- /* MACROs for BPTR-Handling */
- #define TOBPTR(x) ( ((ULONG) x) >> 2)
- #define TOAPTR(x) ( ((ULONG) x) << 2)
- /* MACRO for Library Version-Test */
- #define LibVer(x) ( ((struct Library *) x)->lib_Version )
- /* Codes returned by TestEntry() */
- #define AKCC_TESTED_FILE (1005L)
- #define AKCC_TESTED_DIR (1006L)
- /* AKCC-Errorcodes */
- #define AKCC_FALSE (N)
- #define AKCC_TRUE (TRUE)
- /* Remarks :
- * *
- * 1200 chars are the maximum length for a text to be produced by *
- * AKCC_FPrintf(). *
- * *
- * (Subject to change ...) */
- /* Test-Strings for "AKCC_WildCmp(orig, wild)" : *
- * *
- * ABCDD | *D -> TRUE *
- * ABCDD | *DD -> TRUE *
- * ABCD | *DD -> FALSE (!!!) *
- * ABCDD | A*C*D -> TRUE *
- * ABCDD | A*C*D* -> TRUE (!!!) *
- * ABCDD | *CDD -> TRUE *
- * ABCDD | ?BCDD -> TRUE *
- * ABCDD | ?CDD -> FALSE (!!!) *
- * *
- * Equivalents : *
- * *
- * 1. A? and AB? are both "equal" to AB (result : TRUE) *
- * 2. A* and AB* are both "equal" to AB (result : TRUE) *
- * *
- * So "?" stands for "ONE or NO" chars *
- * and "*" stands "UNLIMITED or NO" chars !!! *
- * *
- * (Subject to more improvements ...) */
- struct DateStruct /* returned by "AKCC_GetDate(dos_rawdate)" */
- {
- long ads_sec;
- long ads_min;
- long ads_hour;
- long ads_day;
- long ads_month;
- long ads_year;
- };
- struct PathList /* This one is perhaps missing in the Dos-Includes */
- {
- BPTR pl_Next; /* Next entry, if not zero. */
- BPTR pl_Lock; /* The Lock itself. */
- };
- /* Note : The PathList structure is allocated via AllocMem() under
- OS V33-V35, but under OS V37+ AllocVec() is used for this.
- Delocation has to be done via FreeVec() under V37+.
- The behaviour of the Beta-OS V36 is supposed to be the same
- as V33-V35. This is a possible bug-source !!!
- */
- /* 'Parsing'-Codes for "AKCC_ParseText(orig, new)" : *
- * *
- * Textstyles and their Codes : *
- * \N : Normal *
- * \B : Bold *
- * \I : Italics *
- * \U : Underlined *
- * \R : Reverse *
- * Colors : *
- * \C=<FG>,<BG> *
- * Characters : *
- * \\ *
- * \42 : " *
- * 'Formatters' and their Codes : *
- * \n : linefeed *
- * \b : backspace *
- * \f : clrscr *
- * \t : TAB *
- * \r : carriage return */
- #endif /* AKCCPLUS_AKCCPLUS_H */